MOHRE reports 23.1% growth in women’s participation in the private sector
The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHRE) revealed that women’s participation in the private sector grew by 23.1 percent in 2023 compared to 2022.
The UAE continuously works to promote gender balance, empower women in all fields, improve the work environment, provide equal opportunities for women in various sectors and develop and strengthen the role of women as key partners in construction from the future.
UAE legislation prohibits gender discrimination in the workplace and these laws encourage more women to join the workforce.
Equal pay for similar jobs is a prominent aspect of respect for human rights in the UAE, demonstrating its commitment to achieving gender balance, which has seen significant progress in recent years.
He UAE Labor Law (Regulations of the Labor Relations Law) stipulates that female employees must receive the same salary as men for the same work. The law guarantees the protection of women’s rights and their enjoyment of equal employment opportunities with men, improving the country’s competitiveness at a regional and global level in terms of gender equality at various levels and fields.
In addition to equal pay, labor legislation stipulates the elimination of all restrictions imposed on women working during night hours and in difficult sectors such as mining, construction, manufacturing, energy, agriculture and transportation. This allows women the right to work in these industries. The law also prohibits employers from firing an employee or giving her notice because of her pregnancy. Furthermore, the Labor Regulation Law prohibits discrimination between employees in terms of job acquisition and promotion, as well as gender discrimination in positions with identical job responsibilities.
As part of efforts to empower women in the economic sphere and support their participation in the workforce, the law prohibits all forms of discrimination in the workplace not only on the basis of gender but also on the basis of race, color , national origin or social origin. .
The United Arab Emirates adopted the Gender Balance Strategy 2022-2026, which is based on a clear future vision that aims to make the UAE a global model for gender balance. The strategy includes four main pillars and objectives: economic participation and entrepreneurship, financial inclusion, well-being and quality of life, protection and leadership and global alliances. The objective is to move from closing gender gaps and exploring best practices to positioning the country as an exporter of gender balance best practices, focusing on the post-global competitiveness phase.
The leadership’s support for Emirati women, coupled with its belief in the importance of their role as key partners in developing and shaping the future, has led the UAE to achieve a prestigious position in international reports and global competitiveness indicators. related to women’s empowerment and gender balance. .
According to the “Gender Equality Index 2022“issued by the United Nations Development Program, the United Arab Emirates ranked first in the Arab world and eleventh globally. The country also topped the Middle East and North Africa region for the third consecutive year in the World Bank’s “Women, Business and the Law 2023” report. This report monitors the efforts of governments around the world in enacting laws and regulations aimed at protecting and economically empowering women.
Furthermore, the United Arab Emirates led the Arab countries in the “Gender Gap Report 2022” released by him World Economic Forum. In 2022, the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization won the fifth edition of the Gender Balance Index at the federal government level for having the best initiative that supports gender balance. This recognition is awarded for outstanding practices, projects, policies and legislation that promote gender balance. The winning initiative was the “Federal Law on Unified General Rules of Labor in the United Arab Emirates.”
The enactment of this law contributed to supporting gender balance and equal opportunities in the workplace, both in the public and private sectors. It unified maternity and paternity leave, guaranteed equal pay for similar work and prohibited discrimination in all its forms. These measures contribute to supporting sustainable development goals and improving economic growth.
News source: Emirates News Agency