MBRSG launches Arab Region Sustainable Development Index and Dashboard 2023/2024

The Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government (MBRSG), in collaboration with the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), has launched a special edition of the Arab Region Sustainable Development Index and Dashboards.
This initiative arises as part of its role as a knowledge partner of the World Government Summit (WGS) 2024, held in Dubai under the theme “Shaping Future Governments”.
The data-driven report reveals that seven out of 22 Arab countries have managed to complete two-thirds of the way towards achieving the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. It recommends that all countries in the region accelerate their efforts while pioneers face the challenge of achieving the remaining development goals, which are often the most challenging in each local context.
The report warns that the Arab region faces increased climate change risks that are expected to exacerbate the region’s existing socioeconomic and environmental vulnerability and calls for bold actions and proactive policy interventions to accelerate just green transitions.
Dr. Ali bin Sebaa Al Marri, CEO of the Mohammed bin Rashid School of Governmentsaying,
“The School, from its position as knowledge partner of the World Government Summit 2024, seeks to support the objectives and efforts of the platform, which include setting the agenda for leaders and policymakers to debate how the next generation of governments can Leverage data and evidence. to solve the challenges facing humanity.”
He continued,
“Over the past 10 years, the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government has made an extensive contribution to the body of knowledge transferred by the World Government Summit from the UAE to the world. This has been achieved through more than 15 local organizations and “Global activities that have had a profound impact on improving results and maximizing their effectiveness. In addition, the School has supported the agenda of the World Government Summit through numerous publications, expert participation and global advice.”
Al-Marri emphasized,
“This report reflects the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government’s commitment to empowering governments around the world and helping them craft responsive policies that can elevate government performance to new heights. This is achieved by seeking future-oriented solutions and based on data for various challenges. “.
The report highlights the various development challenges facing the Arab region, especially the least developed countries. It also provides a practical tool to guide targeted interventions aimed at achieving positive region-wide changes across all sustainable development goals.
Despite several positive regional initiatives, the report notes the continued existence of significant obstacles in several development sectors in the Arab region. It requires intensified efforts and the adoption of regional strategies to address existing gaps and drive progress towards a more sustainable future.
According to the report, the fifth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (gender equality) stands out as a major regional challenge, with all Arab countries scoring low. At the same time, the effects of conflicts in some Arab countries have posed a major obstacle to achieving Goal 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions).
Dr. Fadi Salem, Director of the Department of Policy Research at the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government and co-author of the reporthe claimed,
“Moving towards just transitions is an urgent, but challenging, policy direction for all countries in the region. The launch of this special edition of the Index is primarily intended to provide a practical, data-driven tool for governments and decision-makers. policy formulation enable informed decisions in their Our goal is to implement just transitions and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.”
The index highlights positive trends in some Arab countries regarding the third goal, which is good health and well-being. This is especially evident in terms of key health outcomes, such as mortality rates for newborns and children under five. The report also observes improvements in some sectors related to the fourth objective, which is quality education.
The report indicates that data availability remains a challenge, making it difficult to track progress in certain countries. It highlights important data gaps in the region, particularly in relation to the first goal, which is to eradicate poverty, and the tenth goal, which is to reduce inequality.
The index consists of 113 indicators covering the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals, each of which has a score (0 to 100) and a color (green, yellow, orange or red) to indicate performance. Arrows indicate trends in progress over time. Additionally, the report includes 29 new indicators that fill gaps and capture issues specific to the Arab region.
Lama Zakzak, senior researcher at the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government and co-author of the report, fixed,
“The report uses data-driven approaches to highlight key challenges and opportunities for the Arab region’s paths towards just transitions by calling for urgent measures to achieve climate-related goals, support and protection for workers in sectors negatively affected by green transitions, better economic inclusion. for women and youth, greater economic diversification and regional integration, as well as better data collection to monitor progress on the SDGs.”
He Mohammed Bin Rashid School of GovernmentIt has launched major regional research on sustainable development policy measures, which is available on its research website: https://www.mbrsg.ae/Research
The launch of the report arises from the commitment of the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government, the academic research institution specializing in government administration and public policy at the Arab level, to support the path towards government excellence in the UAE specifically and in the Arab world in general. This is achieved by providing an integrated system of educational and training programmes, research and studies, documenting the distinguished Emirati experience and replicating and exchanging knowledge between government institutions in the UAE and Arab countries.
More than 4,000 participants from the public and private sectors will participate in 110 interactive sessions in WGS 2024, including 200 speakers from 80 international, regional and intergovernmental organizations, including the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Health Organization, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Arab League. It will also welcome eight Nobel laureates and provide a platform for 23 ministerial meetings in the presence of more than 300 ministers. In partnership with a select group of knowledge partners, the Summit will launch more than 25 strategic reports, focusing on the most important practices and trends in vital sectors.
News source: Emirates News Agency