Abu Dhabi: New book reveals insights into learning and teaching the Quran language – News

The book’s multimedia content includes lessons on Quranic recitation, hadiths, Arabic poetry and calligraphy.
A new book published by NYU Abu Dhabi faculty offers people an introduction to the language, rich culture, and artistic expressions of the Quran.
Nasser Isleem, a senior professor of Arabic in the division of arts and humanities at New York University Abu Dhabi, co-authored the book titled ‘Quranic Arabic: Delve Deep and Dive into the Language of the Quran’ with Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at Tayseer Seminary and Imam Khalid Shahu.
The book, now available on Amazon, is dedicated to learning and teaching the language of the Quran at the intermediate level.
The diverse range of multimedia content included in the book, including lessons on Quran recitation, hadiths, Arabic poetry and calligraphy, introduces students not only to the language of the Quran but also to the rich culture and artistic expressions that are an integral part of the. how the Quran is experienced.

Nasser Isleem

“Learning is an active process. Students cannot learn much by listening solely to their instructors and memorizing prepackaged assignments. They should be able to talk about it, write about it, relate it to past experiences, and apply it to their daily lives; they need to make learning a part of themselves,” Isleem said while discussing the book’s creative approach to language learning.
“For all these reasons, this book, which consists of three volumes and the second volume focuses on the intermediate level, adopts the guidelines of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and centralizes the five Cs: communication, culture, connections. , comparisons and communities, in the teaching of its contents. It is based on what the student knows at a certain level of competence and creates communicative activities that reinforce said knowledge and experience.”
The combination of the book’s communicative approach, its consistent emphasis on Quranic vocabulary and diction, and the engagement of all language skills through a wide range of exercises provide comprehensive coverage of the book that is unique and unprecedented in the field. .